Tips For Looking Professional On Video Conferences

Zoom calls are the latest trend in business and let’s face it, it isn’t the same as showing up in a conference or meeting room. Part of the change is that you are sitting in front of a computer rather than your coworkers. Cameras change how people look – after all, they are a device that functions exclusively to convey a 3D image in 2D. So how can professionals reconcile this shift? Read on to learn our top tips for maintaining a professional appearance during video conferences.


  1. Check your background

Place your computer where you plan to conference from and use the camera app to double check what your background will be. It is always a little embarrassing to get off a call and realize that a stack of dirty dishes or carryout containers were sitting in the background. The best way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to always call from the same spot. That way you know exactly what is in the camera’s line of sight.

  1. Lock the door & inform other people in the house

Do you remember the viral video of the little boy crashing his dad’s video call into CNN? It is adorable but interruptions – no matter what form they take – often come across as unprofessional. The easiest way to avoid this is to lock the door to wherever you’re working. Additionally, inform the people who may potentially use the space where you are video calling. There have already been multiple news stories on people wandering around the background of zoom calls while nude. Do your roommates or family the courtesy of informing them that they may be on video.

  1. Good lighting is essential

Make sure that you are well lit so people can see your face. Natural lighting is the most flattering, so try and find a space with windows. Whatever light source you’re using, always remember to face it directly. Otherwise your face is partially lit and casts odd shadows.

  1. Keep your camera level with your face

As stated in the introduction, a camera changes people’s appearance. One of the biggest causes of camera distortion is odd camera angles. The best way to avoid this is by placing your camera directly at eye level to ensure that the perspective is as close to another human’s as possible.

  1. Triple-check your mic is muted, or camera is off

Before you mutter that sarcastic comment under your breath, mute your microphone. Many video calls do not require extensive audio or video presence from its members. Every office is different, but best practices are to mute your microphone and turn off your video until your involvement is required.

What To Wear

  1. Don’t just wear comfy clothes

It is tempting to stay in your pajamas all day. However, this is not the best way to look professional. Remember that video calls only see from the waist up. You can stay in those comfortable leggings or basketball shorts but wear a professional top and put a little effort into your hair or makeup. This has the added bonus of making you feel a little more human and it might improve your mood!

  1. Selecting your accessories

Everybody has been on a video call with that one person who just can’t stop making noise and refuses to mute themselves. If your video call requires that your mic remains unmuted, select your accessories carefully. Bangles or other forms of stacked jewelry tend to make a lot of noise. Try and avoid those if possible.

  1. Choose the colors you wear carefully

Bright colors and tight patterns – such as gingham – come across odd on camera. Particularly webcams, which tend to be low to mediocre quality. Opt for clean colors that are neutral or jewel-toned. That way, everybody can watch you speak without experiencing an optical illusion.

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